by raellic (and various individuals contributing to Stack Overflow). This page started off by accident when it occurred to me to write down my own tips for my personal reference, and it just snowballed from there. Entries are in reverse chronological order (newest first) as I come across new techniques. As of this moment, there are 40 tips completed.
Use find utility to search contents of files with grep, and archive the resulting files
Handy for finding emails that contain phrases you're looking for.
find . -exec grep -l "Taiebat" {} \; | zip ~/temp/ -@
This will put all the matching files into a new zip file.This is useful if you need to take part of the output of the find command on Linux and only want to read the last few entries (or any section of the list). This way you don't have hundreds of files to open.
vim $(sudo find /mnt/raid5/mail/susanna/cur | tail)
This gives me the last 10 or so emails in the folder and lets me read each one sequentially in Vim. Handy!Edit PDF metadata programmatically
I had no idea this was even possible until I stumbled upon ExifTool, which reads metadata with Perl and updates it from the command line. I use this for my DissoWare suite of tools to add metadata to PDFs generated by gnuplot. Sample that adds author, title, and a URL to a file:
exec("exiftool -overwrite_original -Title=\"Cash Flow Analysis\" -Author=\"DissoWare\" -Subject=\"\"" . $filename . " ./graphs/" . $output);
This PHP line runs ExifTool and does what I need. What a great tool, thanks Phil!
Reset an unresponsive baseboard management controller remotely
This problem rarely happens, but sometimes your web interface for your Asus iKVM or Supermicro IPMI will show "session expired" immediately, and then log you out immediately. I checked, and apparently this is due to the BMC running out of space when the System Event Log reaches the capacity of the BMC's limited storage. The problem is what to do when this happens when you are not on-site. Here's your solution: issue IPMI commands to the BMC from within your network to reset the BMC, and then boot the machine like you were trying to do. This achieves several goals, starting with not having to go on site and unplug the power cables (lol). First, log in to your network where you can see the BMC IP address on your LAN. You should already have configured an IP for the BMC, but if not, use Nmap to determine which IP is the BMC. You should get Nmap output showing these ports from an Asus BMC:
22/tcp open ssh
80/tcp filtered http
427/tcp open svrloc
443/tcp open https
49154/tcp open unknown
Then, here you go:ipmitool -U admin -P [IPMI password] -H bmc info
ipmitool -U admin -P [IPMI password] -H bmc reset cold
The first command should give you some output showing that the BMC is active, like this:Device ID : 32
Device Revision : 1
Firmware Revision : 1.32
IPMI Version : 2.0
Manufacturer ID : 2623
Manufacturer Name : Unknown (0xA3F)
Product ID : 3971 (0x0f83)
Product Name : Unknown (0xF83)
Device Available : yes
Provides Device SDRs : yes
The second command will actually reset the BMC. This will take a few minutes, and then you can issue a power on command and log in to your machine normally:ipmitool -U admin -P [IPMI password] -H power on
You could also skip resetting the BMC if you like, but that would not restore the web interface. Optionally, you can set up a SSH tunnel on your local machine to connect to the remote machine, which is helpful because you can use SFTP to directly connect to the remote machine:ssh -L 8484: [username]
This lets me use SSH or SFTP on the local machine to connect to port 8484 on the local machine, and port 22 on the remote machine, with a tunnel through my web server. I had to do this recently when I forgot to upload a few files to my law firm portal and I could not make it to the office just to do this. Very handy!
Block scam emails claiming to be you
Add to /etc/postfix/header_checks:
/^From:.{0,2}((Andrew Watters)|(Andrew G\. Watters)|("Andrew Watters")|("Andrew G\. Watters"))(?!((.{0,3}andrew@andrewwatters\.com.{0,3})|(.{0,3}andrew@raellic\.com.{0,3}))).{0,256}$/ REDIRECT
This is a "negative look-ahead" that matches my name when NOT followed by my actual email addresses. It redirects scam emails claiming to be me to my own account, so that the messages don't even go to my employees. This has been an issue recently and I finally resolved it, I think. You also should change /etc/postfix/ to only apply this header check to the main message, not any attachments. That way you can forward the scam messages to warn people or to
header_checks = pcre:/etc/postfix/header_checks
nested_header_checks =
mime_header_checks =
This turns off header checks for attached messages and attachments, so that you don't trigger the action when forwarding a scam message.
Determine view count from particular IP address in server logs
sudo find /var/log/httpd -name "andrew*" -exec grep -P "GET \/ " {} \; | grep -v "bot" | grep "[0-3][0-9]\/Feb" | sort -t ' ' -k 4 | awk -F ' ' 'NR>0{arr[$1]++}END{for (a in arr) print a, arr[a]}' | sort -t ' ' -k 1
Super handy for figuring out which anonymous visitors visit the index page of your website the most. This one finds all unique visitors for February and shows view counts. Change as needed.
Read the New York Times without subscribing
curl | lynx -stdin
Until recently, it was possible to read the New York Times directly with Lynx, the text-only browser. They seem to have finally caught on 20 years later, and they now require Javascript to be enabled and ad blockers to be disabled in order to view any article. Enter cURL. With cURL, you simply pipe its output to Lynx and achieve the same result. Enjoy!
Create contact sheet with ImageMagick including EXIF information
montage -tile 3x11 -verbose -geometry 30% -border 10 -label '%f %wx%h %C %Q\%\n%[EXIF:Model]' *.JPG sheet.jpg
This takes a folder full of images, resizes them to 30% of original size, labels them with filename, dimensions, compression algorithm, quality level, and camera make/model, and then creates a tiled contact sheet. Voila:
Split gigantic text file into pages based on user-specified record separator
cat ../MIOG-pages.txt | awk -v RS="<page>" 'NR > 1 { print RS $0 > "MIOG-" (NR-1) ".php"; close("MIOG-" (NR-1) ".php") }'
This splits a file based on chunks of text that start with "<page>" and creates as many individual files as there are pages. Very handy!
Test email deliverability with OpenSSL instead of Telnet
When sending email to people who don't disclose their email addresses online, I often will guess their address and then test it with Telnet to port 25 of their email server. This has several downsides, such as using plaintext that anyone can see and that leaves a permanent record of what data were transmitted. So now I use OpenSSL to do this, which has the added benefit of giving security and configuration information about the subject email server. Check out this session, in which I send email claiming to be from a virtual private server to my own email server:
awatters@Andrews-MBP-3 ~ % openssl s_client -starttls smtp -connect
depth=3 C = PL, O = Unizeto Technologies S.A., OU = Certum Certification Authority, CN = Certum Trusted Network CA
verify return:1
depth=2 C = US, ST = Texas, L = Houston, O = SSL Corporation, CN = Root Certification Authority RSA
verify return:1
depth=1 C = US, ST = Texas, L = Houston, O = SSL Corporation, CN = RSA SSL subCA
verify return:1
depth=0 CN =
verify return:1
Certificate chain
0 s:/
i:/C=US/ST=Texas/L=Houston/O=SSL Corporation/ RSA SSL subCA
1 s:/C=US/ST=Texas/L=Houston/O=SSL Corporation/ RSA SSL subCA
i:/C=US/ST=Texas/L=Houston/O=SSL Corporation/ Root Certification Authority RSA
2 s:/C=US/ST=Texas/L=Houston/O=SSL Corporation/ Root Certification Authority RSA
i:/C=PL/O=Unizeto Technologies S.A./OU=Certum Certification Authority/CN=Certum Trusted Network CA
Server certificate
issuer=/C=US/ST=Texas/L=Houston/O=SSL Corporation/ RSA SSL subCA
No client certificate CA names sent
Server Temp Key: ECDH, X25519, 253 bits
SSL handshake has read 6482 bytes and written 316 bytes
New, TLSv1/SSLv3, Cipher is ECDHE-RSA-CHACHA20-POLY1305
Server public key is 4096 bit
Secure Renegotiation IS supported
Compression: NONE
Expansion: NONE
No ALPN negotiated
Protocol : TLSv1.2
Session-ID: 8F74B48575BB67C87EC5516294BDBBB55FD7464C6979AF44F07C09F973E47038
Master-Key: 079ADB39E794D816C55C8ED0D6AAC3C74A1936256E12FB19C533BF0E04279AFBA2EA5904F4E627463EB63835AFF72AEB
TLS session ticket lifetime hint: 7200 (seconds)
TLS session ticket:
0000 - d0 b2 36 43 b2 9c 1c d9-e7 68 ff d6 2e 89 fd 75 ..6C.....h.....u
0010 - f5 19 ba f5 24 d8 37 57-2a da 46 b4 e6 41 6d fe ....$.7W*.F..Am.
0020 - 14 1b 05 da 0e b9 31 8f-d7 44 46 86 82 1e 21 d8 ......1..DF...!.
0030 - 37 3b 70 d8 0e 0e 1d 8b-1e 5b 5b bb 80 c5 51 49 7;p......[[...QI
0040 - db bd 54 b9 76 55 7e 71-62 7c 3a af 5f 5a 12 99 ..T.vU~qb|:._Z..
0050 - 70 ba b4 48 fe 2b f5 5c-ef ae ab 20 32 e3 84 f2 p..H.+.\... 2...
0060 - b4 6c 63 de 05 ac 95 56-d4 ff 49 90 94 8e 47 27 .lc....V..I...G'
0070 - 0c 11 2e 39 cf 94 b4 65-d4 ab 07 85 c0 94 94 4d ...9...e.......M
0080 - 55 f1 69 e7 a5 ed d0 2e-26 d7 97 50 93 e4 b0 ea U.i.....&..P....
0090 - 75 0c 6a 1d db 80 1a 64-22 1b 33 91 07 a4 18 06 u.j....d".3.....
Start Time: 1678885386
Timeout : 7200 (sec)
Verify return code: 0 (ok)
mail from:
250 2.1.0 Ok
rcpt to:
250 2.1.5 Ok
354 End data with .
Subject: test
250 2.0.0 Ok: queued as 1BCA1C042476
221 2.0.0 Bye
Interestingly, DreamHost does not have any SPF or DMARC records for this VPS, which means I can impersonate it from any IP address (sad). The chances of someone doing so are low, but it could be easily automated-- they should fix that.
Add to root's crontab:
0 1 * * * tar -cvf /mnt/raid5/storage/backups/mail.tar-`date +\%Y\%m\%d` /mnt/raid5/mail > /mnt/raid5/storage/backups/log 2>&1 ; echo "Email backup completed." | mail -s "Email backup results"
0 5 * * * find /mnt/raid5/storage/backups/mail.tar* -mtime +6 -type f -delete
0 5 * * * sshpass -p "[redacted]" scp /mnt/raid5/storage/backups/mail.tar-`date +\%Y\%m\%d`* [redacted]@[redacted]:~/backups/
Extremely useful for retaining data for compliance purposes! I will extend this in the future to create automatic web server backups that sync to my failover location.
Use Pipe Viewer to see progress on .tar.gz archives
tar cf - 'Outlook Data File' -P | pv -s $(du -sb 'Outlook Data File' | awk '{print $1}') | gzip > backup.tar.gz
Progress bar for tar, very simple.Extract frames from high resolution video as PNG stills with timestamps
Adapted from this helpful tip on StackExchange.
ffmpeg -skip_frame nokey -i ../Massachi-6K.mp4 -vsync 0 -frame_pts true -vf "drawtext=font='Arial':fontcolor=white:fontsize=25:x=(w-tw)/2:y=h-th-10:text='Massachi-6K.mp4 \ ':timecode='00\:00\:00\:00:rate=30" frame-%05d.png
Extracts one still every second in a 30 fps video and writes it to a lossless PNG file, with the filename and a timestamp centered at the bottom, and the frame number as the output filename. Very handy!
Convert HTML tags to HTML entities in code blocks
In vim, it's the following commands:
This substitutes tags on the same line and asks for confirmation before changing. Critical because changing HTML tags to HTML entities is a very tedious and error-prone process. If you have more than one line, you can set the range or do the entire file if you like. I personally do opening tags and closing tags separately just in case, but I will add a one-liner in the near future.Create auto-updating table of contents in any HTML/PHP file 🔥
Hot! This may be my top tip of all time-- huge time saver! Extremely handy when you are just adding to an existing list and can't possibly keep track of all the items. I use this to generate the "live" table of contents at right as well as the <a name="n"> tags in the body. Check this out:
passthru('let count=0; cat index.php | grep -v "Table of Contents" | grep "<li>" | while read LINE; do let count=count+1; echo $LINE | sed "s/<li><p><strong><a name=\".*\">//" | sed "s/<\/strong><\/p>//" | sed "s/^/<li><a href=\"#$count\">/" | sed "s/$/<\/a><\/li>/"; done; let count=0; cat index.php | grep -v "Table of Contents" | grep "<li>" | while read LINE; do let count=count+1; TIP=`echo $LINE | sed "s/^<li><p><strong>//" | sed "s/<\/strong><\/p>//" | sed "s/<a name=\"[0-9]\+\">//"`; sed -i "s|<a name=\"[0-9]\+\">$TIP|<a name=\"$count\">$TIP|" index.php; done;');
It searches the file for list items outside the Table of Contents (which would be a recursion if I didn't eliminate it), drops the formatting, and adds new list links to each item. You'll need to adapt it to your formatting and, I am consistent with my formatting of list items, so it works well.What would be super cool is sorting the items by popularity instead of age. That's going to be a tough one because I can't track "#" clicks without a Javascript to count them. Challenge accepted.
Prefer IPv4 when sending email with Postfix
By default, Postfix prefers IPv6. The problem is that if you have a smaller IPv6 prefix than a /64, such as a /112, Google apparently counts your network neighbors' email volume in the same /64 range against your /112 IPv6 address range. I see where they are coming from with this, in that there are about a billion IPv6 addresses in a /112 prefix and it would be impossible to keep track of individual IPv6 addresses. But the problem is that when being efficient with IPv6, you get blocked with zero justification. I switched to IPv4 preferred using my "seasoned" IPv4 address that has been in use for the last 18 months, and I seem to have stopped having problems delivering to Google users. Your mileage may vary. Add this to /etc/
smtp_address_preference = ipv4
Restrict SSH logins to specific users only
Add this line to the end of /etc/ssh/sshd_config:
AllowUsers username1 username2 username3
This will only allow SSH and SFTP for the specified users instead of anyone. That way if one of your users exposes their password, at least someone can't exploit it to log in. Instead, the intruder will be restricted to only reading the user's email (lol). Be sure to update the /etc/fail2ban/jail.conf file to set ignoreip on your office, just to be sure that accidentally repeated failed logins by employees do not trigger fail2ban.Configure Fail2Ban to reject all users who fail to log in when trying to send email
This is a good one for when you run your own email server and have legitimate users logging in to send email with SASL authentication. When you allow SASL for relaying email, you'll get limitless spammers trying to log in with random user names and passwords to send email through your server. To prevent that, use fail2ban with a postfix-sasl jail (in the default configuration, you just add "enabled=true" to that section of jail.conf). Note: always use outbound rate limiting when running your own email server so that a compromised user account cannot exceed the rate limit. I personally set the rate limit at three messages per minute, just in case I want to queue all my email windows and hit send en masse. A regular user should never exceed this limit, and I almost never would.
sudo fail2ban-client -vvv set postfix-sasl banip
This command bans the entire PPPoE network of Rostelecom (65,536 addresses), which is necessary because dialup users in Russia are apparently the biggest fake login customers.Configure Postfix to reject all private sector .ru domains
Add this to your /etc/postfix/access file (note: /etc/postfix/ must be set to use PCRE on the access file):
# Block the entirety of Russia except for government domains 6 18 2022
/(?<!mil|ac|gov|edu)\.ru$/ REJECT We have made the difficult decision to reject all private sector .ru domains due to the amount of spam. Government users or educational senders may call to confirm access, see
This one is handy due to the amount of spam I get concerning Russian brides as well as phishing efforts. Uses a "negative look-behind" in Perl (try out this awesome tool), which means that it only matches .ru when not preceded by mil, ac, gov, or edu. Matches "" but not "" for example, which is the desired behavior. I have this one on the off-chance that someone from a Russian university or government institution emails me, perhaps in response to my /syn page. I've confirmed that this works properly by reviewing my maillog, so feel free to use it.Search Maildir for particular string in emails
find . -exec grep -B 5 "To:" {} \;
This one goes through the 70,000+ emails in my sent mail folder and finds all the ones I sent to my wife's work email, with 5 lines of context (the -B flag to grep). Very handy and something you can't do on Google, although I would prefer to use Dovecot's search index in the future to be more efficient. I much prefer Maildir to mbox format because getting lock on a 25 GB mbox file is harder than on a single 2 KB email, but the downside with a lot of messages is that you can't simply grep through the files directly due to the argument list being too long.
Create sitemap for 404 page using command line tools 🔥
I started using /missing.php to be more user-friendly when URLs are broken. But I wanted to include a sitemap for people to get back where they were going. Here you go:
wget --spider --force-html -r -l2 2>&1 | grep "http" | cut -d " " -f 4 | grep -v '\(\.png\)\|\(\.jpg\)\|\(\.pdf\)\|\(\.svg\)\|\(\.js\)\|\(.jpeg\)\|\(.txt\)\|\(.css\)\|\(.JPG\)\|\(.mp4\|.MP4\|.MOV\|.mov\)\|\(.xlsx\)\|\(\/site.webmanifest\)' | sed "s/https\:\/\/<a href=\"/g" | uniq | grep . | uniq | sort -f -k 1.2 | grep -v "http" | sed "s/\/$/\/\">/g" | awk -F "\"" '{print $1,"\"",$2,"\"",$3,$2,"</a><BR>"}' | sed 's/ //g' | sed 's/ahref/a href/g'
I could have been more efficient here, but it is what it is. This will print something like this, which is exactly what I needed:
Mass edit files in place with changes to script embedded in file
I mass renamed my .phtml files to .php during an update. That left about 64 occurrences of a particular function in my sites, as well as hundreds of links to .phtml files. Check this out:
find ./* -name "*.php" -type f -exec sed -i "s/filemtime(\"index\.phtml\")/filemtime(\"index\.php\")/g" {} \;
This edits all the files in place to correct the file name extension, leaving everything else untouched. You can do the same for links. Otherwise, it would be impossible to fix all the links!
Embed DDOS-proof web hit counter in web page
grep "GET \/ " /var/log/httpd/andrew*access* | cut -d " " -f 1 | cut -d ":" -f 2 | wc -l | sed ':a;s/\B[0-9]\{3\}\>/,&/;ta' > /var/www/andrew/stats.txt; echo "/index" >> /var/www/andrew/stats.txt; grep "GET \/law\/ " /var/log/httpd/andrew*access* | cut -d " " -f 1 | cut -d ":" -f 2 | wc -l | sed ':a;s/\B[0-9]\{3\}\>/,&/;ta' >> /var/www/andrew/stats.txt; echo "/law" >> /var/www/andrew/stats.txt; grep "GET \/syn\/ " /var/log/httpd/andrew*access* | cut -d " " -f 1 | cut -d ":" -f 2 | wc -l | sed ':a;s/\B[0-9]\{3\}\>/,&/;ta' >> /var/www/andrew/stats.txt; echo "/syn" >> /var/www/andrew/stats.txt;
This is a great one and an improved version of the one below. Add this to your crontab and run the command every minute. That way no one can lock up your server-- the command takes about 500 milliseconds with a couple hundred megabytes of log files. Success!
Determine web access history for each IP address, sorted by IP, with timestamps
New and improved:
sudo find /var/log/httpd/ -name "*andrew*" -exec grep "\/6x7\/ " {} \; | cut -d "-" -f 1,2,3 | sort -k 1 | sed "s/\[//" | sed "s/- - /- /g"
This one works on SELinux systems where grep may not be allowed to use wildcards in privileged directories, and also works with IPv6. This searches all of my web server logs and produces similar output to the below example, though I've chosen to sort by IP address instead of date: - 16/Mar/2023:15:04:45 - 17/Mar/2023:14:56:53 - 17/Mar/2023:18:13:21 - 23/Mar/2023:19:32:39 - 27/Mar/2023:12:07:31 - 27/Mar/2023:12:12:18 - 06/Apr/2023:12:42:56 - 02/Apr/2023:16:12:16 - 16/Mar/2023:08:31:53 - 16/Mar/2023:08:15:08 - 16/Mar/2023:08:27:08 - 25/Mar/2023:19:08:15 - 25/Mar/2023:19:31:16 - 18/Mar/2023:08:23:45 - 18/Mar/2023:17:05:46 - 09/Apr/2023:16:21:03 - 21/Mar/2023:11:52:13 - 29/Mar/2023:13:12:08 - 28/Mar/2023:08:54:22 - 15/Mar/2023:10:29:23
Prior version: I need to update this to be compatible with IPv6 now that I also serve web pages over IPv6. But for now, here it is:
grep "GET \/syn\/ " /var/log/httpd/andrew*access* | cut -d " " -f 1,4 | cut -d ":" -f 2,3,4,5 | sed "s/\[//g" | sort -k 1 > ~/test
Sample output: 10/Nov/2021:12:49:47 15/Aug/2021:00:55:18 25/May/2021:03:22:44 26/Feb/2021:07:31:56 09/Apr/2021:03:20:43 12/Oct/2021:14:26:58 25/Jun/2021:10:56:46 26/Feb/2021:12:42:44 09/May/2021:03:40:59 09/Nov/2021:09:52:37 13/Aug/2021:21:23:57 13/Sep/2021:10:53:24 24/Apr/2021:03:48:56 27/Mar/2021:10:12:56 28/Jan/2021:20:07:30 25/Jun/2021:07:15:02 08/Apr/2021:21:07:26 09/Jun/2021:15:18:03 12/Mar/2021:17:07:54 19/Jan/2021:03:40:15 20/Feb/2021:04:45:35 30/Jun/2021:01:31:44
Run command on each line of a text file, increment a counter, and show line number with context
[[redacted] ~]$ let count=0; while read line; do let count=(count + 1); echo "Line: $count IP: $line"; geoiplookup $line; done < access.txt | grep -B 1 Russia
Line: 237 IP:
GeoIP Country Edition: RU, Russian Federation
Line: 269 IP:
GeoIP Country Edition: RU, Russian Federation
Line: 566 IP:
GeoIP Country Edition: RU, Russian Federation
Line: 567 IP:
GeoIP Country Edition: RU, Russian Federation
Line: 612 IP:
GeoIP Country Edition: RU, Russian Federation
Line: 613 IP:
GeoIP Country Edition: RU, Russian Federation
Emergency anti-lockout PHP script "smites" individual shell sessions or kills all shell sessions and all associated processes. Assumes that your Apache server has the privileges necessary to execute root commands, so obviously don't allow non-privileged users to put this (or other such scripts) on the system. This is not intended for a shared system, and it can be prevented by disabling passthru, exec, etc. in the php.ini file. Use in conjunction with tip no. 2 below if desired. Version one of the script just kicks the user; the next version will ban them as well using fail2ban, and will email the user and/or administrator a password reset link for the kicked user. Output:
Copy/paste this into a PHP script called "kill.php" and place it in a secure location protected by a .htaccess file, at a minimum. Note: this version kills all user processes for the logged in users, so if you have any system processes running under that user, it will capture those as well. That would be useful if an APT started a bunch of processes and then logged out, then logged back in again. That's why you need to be careful. Next version will have the option of only killing processes with PID greater than the user's shell login so that no earlier processes are terminated. But that could limit the effectiveness of the tool if there are repeated logins, among other issues, so I will note that in the options.
echo "<a href=\"./kill.php\">The God Interface</a><BR><BR>This page is for emergency use only in the event of a takeover of the server by an Advanced Persistent Threat. The script either 'smites' the user session on a per-session basis, or kills all shell sessions if there are too many shells being spawned. Use with caution.<BR><BR>";
// show shell users
passthru("w | perl -pe 's/\n/<BR>/g'");
echo "<BR>";
$action = stripslashes(strip_tags($_POST['action']));
if ($action == "") { $action = stripslashes(strip_tags($_GET['action'])); }
if ($action == "killall") {
if (stripslashes(strip_tags($_POST['confirm'] != "1"))) { die("Confirmation is required. Try again."); }
echo "Killing all shells and all associated processess...";
if ($action == "smite") {
$shell = stripslashes(strip_tags($_GET['shell']));
echo "Will smite shell $shell...<BR>";
passthru("ps ax | grep '$shell' | grep -v 'grep' | perl -pe 's/\n/<BR>/g'");
exec("ps ax | grep '$shell' | grep -v 'grep'",$pids);
foreach ($pids as $key => $value) {
$pid = explode(" ",$value);
echo "Process " . $pid[0] . " ($value)";
passthru("kill -9 " . $pid[0]);
echo "...done.<BR>";
// put shell users in array
foreach($output as $outputkey => $outputvalue) {
// condense double spaces to single spaces
$output[$outputkey] = str_replace(" "," ",$output[$outputkey]);
// put line into array
$line = explode(" ",$output[$outputkey]);
// debug
// echo "<BR>" . print_r($line) . "<BR>";
$user = $line[0];
if (!strstr($user,"USER") and strlen($user) > 0) {
echo "<BR><BR>User: $user<BR><BR>";
if ($action == "killall") { passthru("pkill -9 -u $user"); echo "Killed all processes for user $user...<BR>"; }
if ($action != "killall" and strstr($output[$outputkey],"pts/")) {
echo "Matched shell session for $user at " . $line[1] . " from " . $line[3] . " <a href=\"./kill.php?action=smite&shell=" . $line[2] . "\">smite</a><BR>";
echo "Done.";
Instant email notification of successful SSH logins
This is a lifesaver if someone guesses your password or steals a SSH key. Original post is from Stack Exchange, I made a couple of small changes.
Add the following to your .bash_profile:
IP="$(echo $SSH_CONNECTION | cut -d " " -f 1)"
NOW=$(date +"%e %b %Y, %a %r")
echo 'Someone from '$IP' logged into '$HOSTNAME' as you at '$NOW'.' | mail -s 'SSH Login Notification'
Replace "" with your preferred email address or your text message address from your mobile phone provider, or both (separate multiple addresses with a space). Now set your phone to notify you when emails come through from your server's email address. On the iPhone, you add the email address to VIP's and it automatically notifies you. This way you find out within seconds of any successful login, instead of days, and you can take prompt countermeasures-- including resetting passwords if the attacker gets as far as changing your root password. This also prevents an attacker from completely covering their tracks since the script executes the first time they log in, before they know anything about the server. Even if they see the email in the mail log, they might not realize they got caught unless they review .bash_profile as well. I may add a one-click ban feature that bans unrecognized IP's with a custom URL that executes fail2ban and resets the user's password. I may also set windows of time, such as 10 p.m. to 6 a.m., when logins from unexpected IP addresses will automatically trigger a password reset. Still working on it. Note that this method notifies upon shell logins, but not SFTP logins, which is the desired behavior for most people. I plan to integrate tip no. 1 above with this one in the near future.
List recently active users in a secure web portal
<script>function slider() {
document.getElementById('rangevalue').value = document.getElementById('slider').value;
window.location.href="./?slider=" + document.getElementById('slider').value;
$lines = stripslashes(strip_tags($_GET['slider'])); if ($lines == "") { $lines = 500; }
$logfile = exec('find /var/log/httpd/andrew-ssl-access* -exec ls -1t "{}" + | head -n 1');
passthru('tail -n ' . $lines . ' ' . $logfile . ' | grep "andrew\|lindsey\|arielle\|lauren" | cut -d " " -f 4 | sort | head -n 1 | sed "s/\(\]\|\[\)//g"; tail -n ' . $lines . ' ' . $logfile . ' | grep "andrew\|lindsey\|arielle\|lauren" | cut -d " " -f 4 | sort | tail -n 1 | sed "s/\(\]\|\[\)/to /g"; echo "<BR>"; tail -n ' . $lines . ' ' . $logfile . ' | grep "andrew\|lindsey\|arielle\|lauren" | cut -d " " -f 3,1 | sort -k 1 | sort -u | grep -v "-" | perl -pe "s/\n/<BR>/g"');
echo "Analyze last <input type=\"text\" id=\"rangevalue\" size=\"4\" value=\"$lines\"> lines<BR><input id=\"slider\" type=\"range\" min=\"100\" max=\"1000\" step=\"100\" value=\"$lines\" onmouseup=slider()><BR>of $logfile";
Explanation: searches the most recent SSL access log for unique IP's/users during a variable window of time covered by the last X log lines, with the number of lines specified by a HTML5 slider. if you have a web portal secured by .htaccess files, you can easily get the logged-in user names in a PHP global variable: $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']. This script doesn't require any of that; all you have to do is list your .htaccess users in the grep expression. It is extremely helpful to see the last couple of days of logins using an adjustable slider. It currently looks at the newest log file matching the specified pattern. Next step, I could just cat the .htpasswd file and run each of those names so I don't have to change the hard-code here each time.
Sample output
Inline output of website visitor statistics in PHP
You can embed webserver statistics inline for any purpose:
As of this moment, the last 90 days of log files show <strong><span style="color:red;"><?php passthru("grep \" \/syn\/ \" /var/log/httpd/andrew*access* | grep -E -o \"([0-9]{1,3}[\.]){3}[0-9]{1,3}\" | wc -l"); ?></span></strong> visits, of which <?php passthru("grep \" \/syn\/ \" /var/log/httpd/andrew*access* | grep -E -o \"([0-9]{1,3}[\.]){3}[0-9]{1,3}\" | sort -u | wc -l"); ?> were from unique IP's.
Explanation: replace the log path with your log path. In this case, I wanted to capture all the visits and all the unique IP's accessing the /syn/ page on my website and output them inline in the web page itself. This worked perfectly and only takes about 190 milliseconds with dozens of megabytes of log files; unless I get DDoS'ed, I am all good here. Yeah, I could improve this by saving the output of the first command and then filtering for unique IP's within PHP, so I will do that next in order to halve the processing time. If you want to get really creative, you can execute this command hourly with cron and just save the results in a text file, then embed them in the page instead. I intend to do that and document it as part of my effort to create a dashboard for my internal use.
Extract IP address from SSH/SFTP log and report matches in web server logs
This is useful if you want to see whether any visitors to your website also attempt to hack your server via SSH. I ran this expecting to find a bunch of matches, but there were literally a couple of matches and they have legitimate explanations.
Method one: grep -E -o "([0-9]{1,3}[\.]){3}[0-9]{1,3}" /var/log/secure | sort -u | while read -r line; do echo "Processing $line..."; grep $line access* | grep -v "50\.237\."; done
Explanation: searches the most recent SSH log for unique IP's and matches those against web server log files, excluding my own IP address. I ran this and thought that I found one actual hacker, who visited my website and then tried to log in via SSH...but this turned out to be me using SFTP from a client's
Method two: grep -E -o "([0-9]{1,3}[\.]){3}[0-9]{1,3}" iptables-output | grep -v "0\.0\.0\.0" | sort -u | while read -r line; do echo "Processing $line..."; grep $line access*; done
Explanation: if you're running fail2ban, save your iptables output in a text file and replace iptables-output with your file name. Replace access* with your web server access log. The script searches your access logs for any IP addresses that also appear in the fail2ban log or iptables output, and returns any matches. In the future, I plan to add all kinds of analytics, such as the sequence of visits on my website by analyzing timestamps and the path each user takes (useful for the upcoming Andy's Dashboard offering).
Find each visit by a unique IP and show the dates they visited your website
cat andrew-*access* | grep "/linux/ " | cut -d " " -f 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 | sort -k 4 -k 2M -k1 -k4 | grep -E "([0-9]{1,3}[\.]){3}[0-9]{1,3}" | sort -k 7
Explanation: This is super useful because you can get a report of repeat visitors showing a simple list of accesses to your site, sorted by IP and then in the order of the visits. You'll see patterns that you never would have noticed. This is going to be a wicked addition to Andy's Dashboard once I get that running.
Monitor a long process and notify when it completes
Method one:
result=$(if ps ax | grep -q -v "74189"; then echo "Process done"; else echo "Process pending"; fi;); until (echo $result | grep -v "pending"); do sleep 2; echo $result; done; say "all done"
Explanation: replace "74189" with the process ID you want to monitor. This polls the system every two seconds and (on macOS) verbally says "all done" when the process is done. I'll probably ring the terminal bell on Linux. Next, I will do a one-line command that doesn't require finding the process ID first, and will provide the option of email notification if the process takes longer than the specified time.
Method two:
result=$(if ps ax | grep -q -v "300851"; then echo "Process done"; else echo "Process pending"; fi;); until (echo $result | grep -q -v "pending"); do sleep 2; echo $result; done; echo "Process done" | mail -s "Process notification";
Explanation: same as method one, but emails you upon completion. Critically important to this one, the "until" clause must have the -q flag for grep, or else it won't work. I intend to do a one-liner in the near future where you don't have to find the process ID first. Should be straightforward using the cut command, since the process ID is given immediately whenever you use the & operator.
Method three: watch "ps ax | grep tar" and you'll at least have a simple indication that the process you're looking for is still running.
Receive alerts if a particular person shows up as a party in Federal court
curl -v --silent 2>&1 | grep "Watters"
Here, I search the output of my local U.S. District Court's RSS feed to see the last 24 hours or so of filings and whether I am in them. The above command is manual, which is pointless due to the volume of filings and short window in the RSS feed. Instead, I recommend a twice-daily cron job that emails you if matches are found (because you would want to know as soon as possible):
if curl -v --silent 2>&1 | grep -q "Apple"; then echo "Apple found in CAND ECF" | mail -s "CAND RSS results"; else echo not found; fi
In this variant, I email myself if the search term is found so that I can go back and check the particular item manually. The -q flag in grep returns success if the term is found, and null if the term is not found-- useful if there are multiple matches. I've put this in a shell script with some other items and have added a cron job, with email notification suppressed so that I only get emails if the search term is found. I think this is the fastest way to find out whether you or someone whose litigation you want to follow have been sued in Federal court, and it will capture most civil and criminal filings (it won't capture sealed indictments, but if that happens then you have bigger problems). Next on the feature list, I will add context so that I get links to the relevant filings, case number, etc. and can click them directly from the email notice.
Mass rename a list of EML files to put the dates first in the name instead of last
Adapted from a post at Stack Exchange. This is useful when you are exporting hundreds of EML files from Thunderbird, which puts the date at the end instead of the beginning of the file name. Renaming the files en masse lets you sort by date.
Preview: for file in *.eml; do no_extension=${file%.eml}; the_date=$(echo "{$no_extension}" | rev | cut -d ' ' -f 2 | rev); year=${the_date:0:4}; month=${the_date:5:2}; day=${the_date:8:2}; date_part=${year}-${month}-${day}; filename_part=$(echo "${no_extension}" | cut -d ' ' -f 1-); new_file="${date_part} ${filename_part}.eml"; echo "${file} -> ${new_file}"; done
Actual: for file in *.eml; do no_extension=${file%.eml}; the_date=$(echo "{$no_extension}" | rev | cut -d ' ' -f 2 | rev); year=${the_date:0:4}; month=${the_date:5:2}; day=${the_date:8:2}; date_part=${year}-${month}-${day}; filename_part=$(echo "${no_extension}" | cut -d ' ' -f 1-); new_file="${date_part} ${filename_part}.eml"; mv "${file}" "${new_file}"; done
Look up DNS record for each IP address in webserver log file
Method one: cat logs/ | grep "Vision" | grep -E -o "([0-9]{1,3}[\.]){3}[0-9]{1,3}" | nslookup | grep "name ="
Returns a list of all the hosts in my server access log that accessed a PDF with Vision in the title.
Method two: cat logs/ | grep "Vision" | grep -E -o "([0-9]{1,3}[\.]){3}[0-9]{1,3}" > blah.txt; while read IP; do echo "$IP"; whois "$IP"; sleep 2; done < blah.txt > bluh.txt &
Executes whois instead of nslookup. Note that this may result in rate limiting or even a ban if there are too many lines in the log file. I recommend including "sleep 2" in the command so there is a built-in rate limit, but you still need to be careful with the total number of queries.
Solving "body hash did not verify" error with DKIM when trying to send attachments from a PHP script
Wrap the long lines of the Base64-encoded data to 78 characters and break with a newline character (\n):
<? wordwrap($attachment,78,"\n",true); ?>
Now your DKIM signature will be valid because the message body is intact when signed.
This is really annoying: libmilter is only available if you download the Sendmail source code and manually build it. Here you go:
tar -xvzf sendmail-current.tar.gz
cd sendmail-8.15.2
cd libmilter
sudo make install
That's it! Now when you try to install opendkim, you won't get error messages about libmilter being missing.
Create subtitled video with album art and high resolution audio
ffmpeg -framerate 1 -loop 1 -i final-cover.png -i album.ogg -acodec copy -vcodec libvpx-vp9 -crf 20 -b:v 0 -vf subtitles=album.ass -shortest album1.webm
This assumes you already have a high resolution opus/ogg file of the album. The album.ass file is the subtitle file, which can be done using gnome-subtitles or something more advanced such as Aegisub. Further details here. I selected the VP9 codec for compatibility and opus/ogg audio for best quality audio and broad compatibility.
Merge, split, and/or Bates stamp PDF files on Linux
Seriously, this is one of the hardest things I have ever done. Finding the right tool was half the challenge.
I am pleased to recommend CPDF, which is free for personal and non-commercial use, but otherwise does require a license (worth it).
Merge is the default operation:cpdf -merge file1.pdf file2.pdf -o file.pdf
Split into n-page chunks
cpdf -split -chunk 20 file.pdf -o piece%%%.pdf
Unfortunately, neither CPDF nor PDFTK can apparently split a file based on file size of the resulting chunks. This is extremely frustrating when there are file size limitations on certain courts' electronic filing systems. The solution I use is to count the number of pages (cpdf -pages file.pdf
), divide by the file size in megabytes, split the PDF using that number of pages per chunk, then manually combine the resulting chunks until they are just under the file size I want. Frustrating, and begging for automation. I could probably write a script to do that, but it would be nice if there were a tool already out there.
Bates Stamp
This knowledge took me over a year and a half to obtain. I present it here for free to save others time.
cpdf -add-text "%Bates" -bates 1 file.pdf -bottomright 30 -o stamped.pdf
Change a RHEL 7 system from graphical login to shell login, and then start KDE
localhost$ sudo systemctl enable
localhost$ reboot
[After rebooting]
localhost$ startx /usr/bin/startkde
You would not believe how long it took me to figure that out. If you just do startx, it will freeze your system if there are any problems with GNOME.
© 2025 Andrew G. Watters
Last updated: February 20, 2025 16:49:31